21 de set. de 2008

Top 10 Signs You Might Be a "Weblebrity"

1. You have signature clothing such as a certain T-shirt, hat, tie, sunglasses, boas, and occasionally ascots.
2. At internet parties people follow a "drink for link" policy—they buy the drinks, you provide the links.
3. Your internet friends treat you like a star while your real friends tell you to go FUCK yourself.
4. You stopped thinking about yourself as a person years ago. Now you're a "brand".
5. At family gatherings you receive regular taunts like "can the internet superstar please pass the casserole??".
6. You've considered getting your Facebook photo shot professionally.
7. Total strangers you meet at conferences know more about you than your significant other.
8. You fight back the urge to say "do you know who I am?" almost daily.
9. People actually think you're friends with Scoble.
10. No-one in the real world has ever heard of you.


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